How To Ditch Clutter Dumping Grounds For Good
You know how it goes.
You come home carrying the stress of a long day… as well as your purse or briefcase, keys, mail, bags, and more.
You kick your shoes off, drop your coat on the nearest chair, and dump what you’re carrying…
Surprising Stats On The Effects Of Clutter and Disorganization
Do you feel the effects of clutter?
Are you living in more clutter and disorganization than you’d like?
You’re not alone.
Fifty-four percent of Americans are overwhelmed by clutter. And, 78% percent of them aren't…
Why Do We Have So Much Stuff?
Are you constantly looking through "junk" drawers, pulling boxes from storage, retracing steps to find things that have been "lost" in your own home?
As humans, we like to, and even need to surround ourselves with…
Elana’s Journey from Disorganized to Organized
This week I had the pleasure of talking to one of my Calm the Clutter members (you can catch the podcast episode HERE). We discussed her personal journey with the program and how she went from disorganized to organized and how she's…
How To Get Rid Of Paper Clutter For Good
Are you tired of paper clutter and constantly picking up papers, shoving them in drawers and thinking you'll deal with them later?
Do you ever miss important deadlines for bills or events because you've lost track of the document?
What Is The Difference Between Organizing And Decluttering Your Home?
It's that time of year again!
Spring can mean a time to declutter and organize your home.
These words are often used interchangeably, but they have very different meanings. In fact, to successfully organize your home, it's…
Become More Organized in 20 Minutes or Less!
Become More Organized in 20 Minutes or Less!
You know what I love about 20 minute organizing? Doing 20 minutes a day adds up to over 2 hours a week and over 120 hours a year. That is 120 hours a year of productivity that only took 20 mins…
How Being Organized Can Change Your Life
Here are 7 ways being organized can change your life!
1. More time to do the things you love to do:
When your home is organized, you spend less time looking for things, and less time going out and buying something you already have but…
7 Top Organizing Questions Answered!
Top Organizing Questions Answered!
My goal is to help you as many people as possible get organized, so here are 7 questions that I have been asked lately. Check them out because they may be answers to your home organizing questions! The…
Multi-tasking is a Myth and Here’s Why!
Do you multitask? Most of us do but is it a good idea?
We discuss why we multitask, the problems with multitasking, how we can learn to minimize distractions, and how to manage when we do get distracted.
Do you ever open your closet and think “I have nothing to wear!” even though there is no shortage of clothing, shoes and accessories? Here are a few simple, budget-friendly ideas to help you sort through the clutter, get organized and break out of the "nothing to wear" cycle!
Big Perks of Tiny Houses
Tiny houses have been around for a while, and the trend doesn’t seem to be fading away anytime soon. The tiny house lifestyle may not work for everyone, but it’s worth considering if you are looking to truly simplify your life.
Overwhelmed! How do I start to organize?
Overwhelmed! How do I start to organize?Do you ever walk into a room that has clutter and feel overwhelmed?
Do you feel stressed and want to tidy up the clutter but do not know where to start?
I hear this often from my clients. They…
Best Organizing Advice You Will Ever Need
Best Organizing Advice You Will Ever NeedI love organizing and I love helping my clients get organized. While working with clients, I often give them advice and little tips to help with the organizing process. I thought I would share some of…
The Real Cost of Clutter
The Real Cost of Clutter
Did you know that there could be a high price to pay when your home is full of clutter? I am not talking about the cost of hiring a professional organizer to help you declutter and organize your home, although hiring…
5 Wild Emotions When Dealing With Clutter
5 Wild Emotions When Dealing with Clutter
While working with clients who have clutter, I have noticed the many different emotions they go through.
This week, one of my clients was crying from feeling so overwhelmed. I had a business lunch…
10 Spring Clearing and Organizing Tips!
Spring Clearing
I love spring because it means summer is coming. It may be still cold out but we will be getting warmer weather soon, so now is a great time to do your spring clearing and getting your home organized. If you do it now, you…
Mixed emotions, getting the mind organized
Time is flying by.
The first month of 2016 has already passed and I am reflecting on what has transpired during the month of January.
I sit here with mixed emotions.
I am mourning the loss of a musical genius, David Bowie, who was…
Reduce Mind Clutter. Gain Clarity
Do you want to reduce mind clutter and gain clarity?
Most of us do at some point. You are thinking about your finances, having to drop off your kids to their sports activities, what to make for supper, how to organize your home, all the…
10 Things You Should Know About Hoarding!
10 Things You Should Know About Hoarding!
Hoarding can be a very sensitive subject. I noticed when I am working with my disorganized clients who have way to much stuff, if a family member or friend refers to them as a hoarder, they tend…
Episode 76: How to Stop Digital Clutter
Do you struggle with digital clutter which can cause brain clutter?
Do you have way too many emails in your inbox?
Do you have a ton of apps? Do you have a bunch of files on your desktop?
Do you struggle to find the digital files you…
Episode 58: 7 Top Clutter Problem Areas and What’s Causing the Clutter
Do you have clutter in more than one area of your home? Most people do. On this week’s episode I discuss 7 Top Clutter Problem Areas in a home and what’s causing the clutter. I will give you a hint, cupboards and closets are one of them,…
Episode 54: Why do we have so much stuff?
You ever wonder why we have so much stuff? In this week’s episode I provide 8 reasons why we have soooo much stuff and what you can do to stop bringing in so many items into your home. The less items you have, the easier it is to have an organized,…
Episode 37: 10 Amazing Clutter-Free Gifts For Mom
Episode 37: 10 Amazing Clutter-Free Gifts For Mom
Not sure what to get your Mom for Mother’s Day? Clutter-free gifts for mom are always a good choice. Not sure what kind of clutter-free gift to get her? Tune in as I go over 10 amazing…
Episode 34: Dealing with Trauma with Acclaimed Filmmaker Eric Christiansen
From dealing with trauma to acclaimed filmmaker! Wow, what a privilege it was speaking with 7 time Emmy winner and filmmaker Eric Christiansen about trauma and hope.
We discussed:
The stigma of mental heath
How Eric believes…
Episode 30: 7 Important Home Organizing Questions Answered
Important home organizing questions.
In this episode I answer some really important home organizing questions that were asked by community members in our Facebook group Organize for Success. If you have clutter, there is a good chance…
Episode 20: The Link Between Depression and Clutter
Depression and clutter show Notes :
In this episode, I will be discussing:
The links between depression and clutter.
Does depression cause clutter and vice versa?
How having clutter makes us feel
My personal journey
Episode 17: How Meditation Can Help You Become Less Stressed
Show Notes – Episode 17
Are there times that you feel really stressed out? I bet you do, right? We all do. Perhaps you are stressed because you walk into a home that has clutter and you would rather have a home that is…
Episode 11: 10 Top Reasons Why We Have Clutter and What We Can Do About it!
Episode 11 –10 Top Reasons Why We Have Clutter and What We Can Do About it!
Do you have clutter? Do youever wonder why you have so much clutter? Well there are lots of reasons why people have clutter, and not everyone…
Episode 10: The Cost of Clutter – You may be very surprised
Do you know the cost of clutter? Do you have a lot of clutter? In this week’s episode we discuss various ways that clutter is costing you, and it is not all about finances. Yes, we will talk finances but we are also…
Episode 09: Four Types of Disorganization. Which category do you fall under?
Do you have a lot of clutter? There are 4 types of disorganization, which category you fall under?
In this week’s episode, I talk about 4 types of disorganization and the difference between them. Hint, one is a disorder…